- 贵宾室休息室随时恭候您的到来
- 法国顶级下午茶餐厅Angélina为您免费提供一份午餐(包含当日套餐和一杯香槟)或下午茶(包含两款甜点和一杯香槟)
- 24小时内免费送货至您在巴黎市内的酒店或住所
- 购物结束后安排出租车将您免费送至巴黎市内任一目的地
- 赠送限量版环保托特包
已包含 | Inclu :
* Cette offre ne comprend pas de personnel shopper |
携带 | 入店使用体验套餐时,接待人员会要求您出示预定信息和身份证件。 |
营业时间 | |
重要信息 | “巴黎购物体验套餐”在入店当天的商场营业时间内均有效(不限到店或离店时间)。贵宾休息室接待人数显示在确认信息上(单人/双人/三人)。 商场营业时间:周一至周六 9.00-20.30;周日 11.00-20.00。 退税服务:居住在欧盟以外的客户,当天在店内购物超过175欧即可享受退税服务(详情请参见店内条款)。 取消预订政策:您可以在入店日期前一天免费取消服务。超过此期限,您将被收取全额费用。 |
领取地点: 主馆三楼自由行贵宾华语接待处 (Le Concierge)
Galeries Lafayette Paris Haussmann 巴黎老佛爷奥斯曼旗舰店
40 Boulevard Haussmann, Paris, France
40 Boulevard Haussmann, Paris, France
地铁:Chaussée d'Antin-La Fayette站(地铁7号线、9号线)、Trinité站(地铁12号线)、Opéra站(地铁3号线、7号线、8号线) / RER大区快铁:Auber站 (线路A)、Haussmann-St Lazare站 (线路 E) / 公共汽车:20路、21路、22路、42路、53路、68路、81路、95路
Offered by
Galeries Lafayette Haussmann75009 - Paris
总体评价 | |
值 | |
欢乐元素 |
Génial mais cher
Experience top si on veut profiter du salon pour faire des poses, et surtout le shopping sans trimbaler les colis ( mais on n’est pas obligé de payer 69 euros pour çà…. Heureusement qu’il y a le taxi offert.
Beaucoup moins bien, l’expérience Daloyau vraiment très cheap!
Beaucoup moins bien, l’expérience Daloyau vraiment très cheap!
由Christine Coiffard对于2024-11-24
Make shopping so easy with kids
its nice to have a place your kid and husband can rest and play there while you shopping! and you can always stop there for rest while shopping. Nice champagne makes this experience even better! free food voucher to save lunch time for shopping and wonderful taxi drop off service treated me really like a VIP!
由CHIA-YING LEE对于2024-10-23
Perfect stay at the concierge lounge
This was an absolutely perfect stay in the concierge lounge. We received a very friendly welcome and our every wish was met. In total, we visited the lounge five times during our seven-hour shopping stay, where we relaxed and enjoyed champagne and snacks. The staff kept our purchases safe so that we could enjoy the department store again without carrying our bags. Every time we came back, all the employees were happy and celebrated with us the beautiful things we had bought. Thank you to everyone who worked in the Concierge Lounge that day.
Best regards
Sascha, Sandra and Luca.
Best regards
Sascha, Sandra and Luca.
€ 69.00